Providing FIFO garments without thinking about it

In many companies, the Facilities Department has a wide range of tasks, including transport, warehouse, post room and laundry service. And also within the linen department, there are again different responsibilities such as garments, linen and logistics. Garments often occupy a prominent place within the daily tasks. By organising the garment process efficiently, enough room is left for the other tasks.

Efficient, but FIFO?

The norm is to provide FIFO garments. But does this not cost even more time? LCT-Textilligence has various solutions for this. Our solutions for garment distribution can be set up in such a way that the garment that has been lying around the longest is distributed first, according to the FIFO principle. This way, the linen room staff do not need to unnecessarily remove garments from the machine that have been in it too long. During peak hours it is also possible not to use this function. In this way, during busy periods, the distribution speed remains as high as possible, then just the closest item is issued. This way you can make the best use of the speed and the stock. 

All garment distribution solutions are available 24/7 and accessible to the people who may use them. As the desired garment that a wearer may use is linked to their pass, an employee can only take the garment that is intended for them. And because of the credit system, hoarding is not possible if one chooses a ”closed” system.

Stock is easy to replenish

LCT-Textilligence systems are very easy to load, taking ergonomics into account. In many cases, the linen service employee only needs to present the items and the system determines the correct position itself. 

There is also no need to presort which items or sizes you are loading. The systems take into account the stock already present per item, so that you never have too much of one item and no space left for other items. 

As a result, you spend far less FTE on loading the system and your linen department can focus on other tasks.  

Insight into dormant stock

With the included set of reports, the (current) stock is always clear and can be continuously monitored and adjusted where necessary. For example, it is clear which garments are minimally or not at all rotated. Garments that are dormant or ‘dormant stocks’ are valuable for several reasons:

  • These garments take up space needed for other items
  • Clothing that is not used does cost money (depreciation/rental)
  • If garments are left lying around longer, the hygiene of the environment (the other items in the room) is also reduced
  • More time spent on management 

Insight into dormant stocks makes garments management more manageable, and allows deliveries from the laundry to be adjusted so that the correct stock is always maintained. With LCT-Textilligence’s garment distribution solutions, you will be able to have and maintain optimal control over your garments management. 

Would you like to know more about our products or how you can make even better use of the system to set up or adjust your garments management in the best possible way? Then contact us without obligation. 

Our website also provides information on the possibilities. For more information, please contact us.