Guidelines for occupational garments regarding hygiene and infection prevention

Within various industries, the guidelines for occupational garments regarding hygiene and infection prevention are becoming increasingly stringent. Ensuring a clean and safe working environment is essential. An efficient approach is to distribute garments on a FIFO basis. And garment distribution machines provide a convenient solution.

Importance of hygiene guidelines for occupational garments

Hygiene guidelines for occupational garments are crucial to prevent the spread of germs and infections. Ensuring a clean, safe and hygienic working environment is essential for the health and well-being of employees and customers.

  • Global health risks
    Due to increased international mobility and the increased risk of pandemics, hygienic working conditions have become key in preventing the spread of infectious diseases.
  • Professional image
    Clean occupational garments contribute to a company’s professional image and build trust with customers and other stakeholders.
  • Legal requirements
    In some industries, there are specific hygiene guidelines and legal requirements regarding occupational garments to ensure health and safety.

Increase in infection prevention measures

The growing threat of resistant bacteria and viruses has led to stricter infection prevention measures in various industries. Implementing strict hygiene protocols and using high-quality materials in occupational garments contribute to this.

Risks of infection and measures to take:

  1. Hospitals: Antimicrobial clothing with barrier functionalities and disinfectant cleaning procedures.
  2. Food industry: Mandatory wearing of protective clothing and the use of gloves.
  3. Hotels and restaurants: Frequent cleaning of occupational garments and the adherence to strict hygiene protocols.

Distributing garments on a FIFO basis

The “first in, first out” (FIFO) principle is an effective approach to distributing occupational garments. New garments are placed in the back and old garments are distributed at the front. This minimises the risk of garments ageing and ensures an evenly spread rotation of stock. A garment distribution machine can provide the ideal solution.

Garment distribution machines offer a practical and efficient solution for distributing occupational garments on a FIFO basis. Employees have access to clean and hygienic garments at all times, and garment managers are no longer required. This increases organisational flexibility and productivity.

Garment distribution machines offer several advantages over traditional garment distribution solutions. They optimise occupational garment management and improve organisational hygiene and productivity.

  1. Time-saving: Employees quickly and easily obtain the garments they need, saving valuable time.
  2. Secure storage: Garment distribution machines provide secure storage for occupational garments, preventing theft and damage.
  3. Efficient inventory management: Using the automated inventory control functionalities of garment distribution machines, organisations can accurately track garment distribution and optimise the procurement process.
  4. Improved hygiene: Distributing garments on a FIFO basis and cleaning them on return improves overall hygiene.


The guidelines for occupational garments regarding hygiene and infection prevention are becoming increasingly stringent.
 Distributing garments on a FIFO basis, using a garment distribution machine, offers an effective solution to meet these requirements. It improves overall hygiene, optimises inventory management and leads to an increase in productivity within organisations.