The new normal in garments distribution

In the spring of 2020, we were caught off-guard by a raging COVID-19 virus. Many activities and processes that were self-evident before, have been put in a different light. By now, it is clear that corona will not just go away and everything will go back to the way it used to be. This has consequences for garments distribution, the way of working and the way garments are issued. 

As the expert on garments distribution and collection, LCT-Textilligence received a lot of questions surrounding the impact of corona on our services. Is the answer to continue business as usual? Does automated garments distribution require specific measures? Does our distribution system comply with the regulations and if not, what does it take to meet these regulations? To make you aware of the benefits and to help you to create the right conditions, we created the ‘corona-proof garments distribution’ checklist. In front of you, you find the second version of the guidelines, with a rolling plan considering the previous period.

The 1.5 meter rule is most important with regard to garments distribution, hygiene and social distancing. The good news is that our customers already comply with most of these measures by using a garments distribution system. 

Hanging garments

If you are using the Chiptex-Liner (KUA) for hanging garments, contact with the garments is limited. The garments are loaded automatically and only the end user comes in direct contact with the garments, meaning that hygiene is already safeguarded in the KUA space. 

Folded garments

For the systems that issue folded garments, hygiene is automatically safeguarded. The closed wardrobes prevent contact with multiple persons. The biggest difference is that folded garments are loaded by hand, what makes a good hygiene of the hands more important. 

The following advice applies to systems for the distribution garments:

  • Place hand sanitiser dispensers at the issue and collection points for good hand sanitation
  • Please enforce the use of face masks (legally required in public spaces)
  • Adjust the duty schedule where possible to spread users over the day
  • Regularly clean the order touchscreens with ethanol/alcohol
  • Create a fixed walking direction, with 1.5-metre marking at the issuing points
  • If there is no 1,5 metres between the several ordering- and distribution points, place shields between them
  • Clean the doors of the distribution system. These are made of Lexan glass and suited for Glassex or other interior cleaning agents.
  • Make sure that the person who loads the system cleans their hands before use or wears disposable gloves

*in case you use the central order point feature, it can be set to only send a certain number of users to the distribution point. Once this limit is reached the order points freeze temporarily. Once the garments have been issued, the users can place orders again. The benefit is that you can more easily control the queue.

New features

We all look forward to the end of the Corona crisis and for society to go back to normal. Concepts like ‘the new normal’ are hopefully a thing of the past soon. Nonetheless, the outbreak of the virus has led to measures with regard to hygiene that people apply now but will continue to apply in the future. LCT-Textilligence likes to think along. We highlight several examples.

Hands-free ordering

LCT-Textilligence develops an additional feature that enables users to order garments without touching the touchscreen. With this feature, the system saves the previous order. When the user scans his or her personal card the order is issued without the need to select it physically. You recognise this feature from contactless payment or returning empty bottles.

Decentralised garments distribution

Multiple (smaller) systems for folded garments in addition to or instead of one centralised system enable different locations for garments distribution. Decentralised distribution prevents many users to congregate in the same space and significantly reduces internal movement (between departments).

Adjusted layout of the garments distribution area

In the design of new garments distribution systems, we implemented the criteria mentioned above. For new systems, we are therefore well able to design the layout of the garments distribution area such, that it meets all the guidelines and additional criteria. 

For currently operational systems, we can redesign the layout of the garments distribution area, for instance by placing one or multiple order or distribution points, depending on the structural possibilities.

Do you have additional questions? You are not a customer yet but would like to know about a corona-proof process for garments? Please let us know on Tel +31(0) 344-633414


This checklist has been carefully composed by our team and we hope it is of service to you. We tried to think along so you think of everything in the process that is necessary for your employees. The measures have not been deliberated with a hygienist or another certified person. The measures do not fully prevent the coronavirus from spreading.