
In industrial environments the staff can be exposed to many threads and hazards. Therefore it is important that the employee always wears protective work wear. If this is a production plant with employees using different types of dust coats or a plant with highly heat withstanding protected garments, the user should be protected against the possible impacts of the working environment. The systems of LCT-Textilligence will distribute and collect this work wear and make the logistic process easy to manage and cost effective.

Sometimes it is the issue of the price of the individual garment which will make our system cost effective, sometimes it is the issue of loss and vandalism of garments. Sometimes you just don’t want to be bothered with the logistics of work wear. A process which should work in your factory…24 hours a day, seven days a week…

Very often the industrial environments will use personalized garments. There is a lot of space necessary due to the fact that these environments need a lot of garments. The CHIPTEX systems of LCT-Textilligence can distribute work wear on size (pool) or personalized. By switching to pool garments you can save a lot of money. No more sorting, no more putting garments in lockers, no labels with names on it…

Due to the fact that less garments are needed, less floor space is needed as well.

Besides the work wear personalized safety items can be easily distributed as well. LCT’s sister organisation LCT-Olmatic BV is specialized in this subject. Reduction of loss of those safety items can grow to 30 percent…! If you are interested in this particular subject, please follow the link to the LCT-Olmatic website

Engineers working at chemical plant standing in front of storage tanks.
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The CHIPTEX-Liner, based on workwear on a wirehanger; Easy, secure and costeffective

With the CHIPTEX-Liner LCT-Textilligence offers you tailor made solutions in workwear distribution based on proven and effective technology

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Sizer - Campina, model in ziekenhuiskleding (39)

The CHIPTEX-Sizer, based on folded garments; Maximum performance, floorspace effective

The CHIPTEX-Sizer is commonly used for the distribution of folded work wear and/or personalized safety items.

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CHIPTEX-OSL kledinguitgifte systeem

The CHIPTEX-OSL, based on folded garments; Garment distribution on one m²

The CHIPTEX-OSL is a system for folded workwear. Due to the dimensions often used in the OR department or as a sattelite for other departments.

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