Do you also find inventory control of garments very time consuming? No longer we say

The process surrounding garments often involves many elements. From the distribution of garments to the collection and from logistics to inventory control, it is an intensive process. Based on the number of users per item, a calculation is made on how many items are necessary to provide the next supply batch.
Continuous insight and control over the supply is therefore a crucial element in inventory control. Keeping count of the current stock can however be very time consuming, resulting in a measurement of the stock by estimation. Take into consideration that the use of garments fluctuates weekly, which easily leads to a difference in the estimated use and the actual demand.
Stay updated and always have an insight in your stock
At any point in time, the LCT-Textilligence automated garments distribution systems can provide a status overview of the current inventory. This overview indicates the number of items available in the system per size of a specific item. With the manually adjusted maximum quantity and exact item/size combination you always have an insight in your inventory. The options for restocking the inventory are twofold:
- Place an order based on the overview of ‘current inventory’
- Have all laundry returned and subsequently place an order based on a ‘full inventory’
The current inventory option leads to a kind of shopping list of necessary items in the desired quantities. Your order is then placed automatically through the service provider containing the correct quantity and to be delivered as soon as possible.
Placing an order based on maximum inventory means that a maximum has been set per item/size combination. Once the maximum for a particular item has been reached, no more items of that type are collected, while collection of other items that have not yet reached the maximum continues.
Automated inventory control
As mentioned above, the LCT-Textilligence garments distribution systems automatically monitor the quantity and the type of garments in the inventory, as well as register the items that need to be restocked. This way, a usually time-consuming and inferior task can be minimised, freeing up more of your valuable time to address core activities.
Benefits of the LCT-Textilligence systems
In addition to increased cost efficiency, automated distribution of garments with LCT-Textilligence systems offers more benefits:
- 24/7 availability
- Transparency: insight in garments use and reporting tool
- Space efficient
- Hygiene
- User friendly
For more information, please get in contact with us. You can also consult our website for information about the possibilities.