Save space with non-personalised garments

In the past, all employees in virtually every company or organisation were issued their own personalised garments, including name tags and tailored to the specific needs of the employee. For most organisations, this type of personalised garments distribution is no longer necessary nor affordable. At a five-star hotel for instance, it is logical that the uniform of the waiter is personalised. Or, a group of users who conduct work where garments are likely to get dirty are usually issued personalised garments. Think of medical professionals who apply casts in a hospital. The different colour cast types cause persistent stains. In this case it is also logical and functional to provide these employees with personalised garments.

Definition of pool garments

Size-specific garments or pool garments are concepts that refer to non-personalised garments. A user does not receive their own set of garments, but instead uses a pool of non-personalised garments. Essentially the concept is similar to a restaurant where guests collect a perfectly clean plate beforehand and return it after eating. The laundry service facilitates the hygienic aspect of the garments and makes sure that sufficient garments are available for every user. In terms of logistics, it is much easier to issue a number of trousers of a specific size at a particular time, rather than making available the specific trousers of a specific employee at a particular time. The error margin with regard to grabbing the wrong garments is much bigger with personalised garments and the sorting and handling of personalised garments is much more intensive.

Benefits of pool garments

Pool garments have a number of benefits:

  • Requires considerably fewer garments If there are many users in the same item/size combination, the garments stock can be reduced with more than 50%. You do the maths on how much this can save you!
  • Fewer garments means less storage space and additional savings on surface area
  • Fewer garments also means lower sorting and handling costs.
  • Lower management expenses. Tailoring garments, sticking name tags and tracking garments is much less relevant with pool garments
  • Equally distributed write-off on garments. Switching to a new garments package is therefore easier
  • Garments instantly available for temporary workers. A temporary or new employee can immediately wear the garments and does not have to wait for the laundry service to deliver their garments. One additional or less user of the pool usually does not have a negative impact.

In short, the benefits of pool garments are plentiful. It saves costs and simplifies processes logistically.

Disadvantages of pool garments

Even though the pool garments have many benefits, the users tend to handle these type of garments differently. Since there is no logistic consequence for disposing of the garments incorrectly, for instance in the bin rather than the laundry basket, users typically handle these type of garments with less care. Additionally, the distribution of pool garments triggers hoarding behaviour in the end user. Users tend to collect multiple sets to store in their lockers. Consequently, other users are unable to find the right size, triggering even more hoarding behaviour.

Automated system for the distribution of pool garments

The solution for hoarding, loss or destruction of garments is an automated distribution and collection system. With the credit system, users can collect the number of garments determined by you in the policy and loss or destruction can be traced via the RFID chip.

It can be concluded that an automated distribution system is necessary if you want to use pool garments in order to monitor and control the distribution and collection of garments.

The solution

LCT has successfully created, developed and maintained suchlike systems since 1991 and is a true specialist in this field. Would you like to have more information about how to implement pool garments in your branch or sector, please consult our website or contact us via the contact form. One of our account managers will contact you and answer your questions or schedule a voluntary appointment.