Other industries

Garnment Distribution systems

LCT-Textilligence has many years of experience with distribution and collection of garnment and other supplies. Do you have a query of logistic or manageable nature, please contact us for the possibilities. If a standard sollution of LCT-Textilligence doesn’t suffice, we can investigate other options! On the other industry related pages you will find products and solutions which are part of our standard.

Examples of projects of the past years:

Distribution and collection of;

  • Tools
  • Phones, laptops etc.
  • Personal Protective Equipement
  • Specialized garnment like used in the offshore industry life suits
  • Dry cleanded suits of the flying staff of KLM

For such projects we discuss with you the terms we have to meet to offer a solution for the logistic query (how can we distribute and collect 24/7?) The manageable aspect can also be the question (How can I get hold of the use and consumption of certain products?)


LCT-Textilligence uses inventive rail technics, paternoster elevators, controlling systems like Siemens PLC, B&R, Pneumatics of Festo and safety solutions of Pilz. LCT-Textilligence programs these parts in own management. With such building blocks and innovative partners we can offer u specific solutions.

We love to think along with you….

Captain pilot with his cabin crew at the airport