Hygiene starts with clean garments

The healthcare sector has long applied strict rules for hygiene with respect to garments. Stricter laws and regulations with regard to hygiene have been imposed over the last few years. Even other (crucial) sectors and vital professions, such as the food industry or logistics, impose tighter hygiene requirements for garments.
It is unthinkable that production stops, although safety and hygiene for both employees as well as the environment continue to be top priority. Distributing and rotating garments from an inventory that is accessible to all users is becoming increasingly scrutinised by hygiene inspectors and facility managers.
Safeguarding hygiene by eliminating risk factors surrounding garments
It is often hard to maintain an organised overview of the space if everybody is free to roam around in the inventory to select their desired garments. For instance, users are more likely to pick the garments from the bottom of the pile rather than at the top, because the ones at the bottom might look newer. Or employees change their mind and put the chosen item back and choose a different size. Besides not having a clear overview, this behaviour heavily affects the hygiene. What if the person who puts garments back has a cold, or worse? The risk of cross contamination in open garments storerooms is often bigger than you think. Eliminating these risks therefore directly leads to a higher overall company hygiene.
As few hands on the garments as possible
To safeguard hygiene as much as possible, it is best to have as few hands on the garments as possible from the moment they are cleaned to the moment they are worn. Professional laundry services often align their processes to this notion, but once the laundry is returned to the relevant organisation, it still needs to be unloaded, potentially unpacked and loaded into the storeroom. And even on the shelf, the laundry is still subject to being handled multiple times before it eventually ends up being worn. The solution to give each employee their personal garments set and their own storage shelf is very costly and requires a lot of (production) space. An increasingly appealing alternative is therefore the automated garments distribution system.
LCT-Textilligence garments distribution systems
The garments distribution system (GDS) issues garments to users around the clock, every day of the week. There are several systems, both for hanging and folded garments. In any case the garments are stored in an isolated space or compartment in the system. Once the user orders the garments, they are distributed without any physical human intervention. Essentially, this means that the physical contact between the garments and the end user is minimised.
LCT-Textilligence makes various distribution systems for the controlled distribution and collection of garments. In addition to all the hygienic benefits, these systems are very space efficient. The systems are effective in storing garments on only a few square metres.
If you would like to learn more about our space-efficient systems, please go to our website or fill out the contact form. Our account manager will get in touch with you as soon as possible.