Utilising garments for in the professional environment: sufficient stock versus efficient garments management

At organisations that use garments for uniforms, it is important that there are always clean garments available for all employees. Hygiene, uniformity, protection or a combination of the three are often the reason for utilising garments in the professional environment. But how many garments are sufficient to facilitate everyone?

Out of precaution of having insufficient clothes for all employees, companies often have an enormous garments stock. It is then necessary to have a sufficient stock for each employee individually (in the case of personal garments) or the right item/size combination (in case there is a range of sizes). Users collect multiple garments at the same time or fail to return everything at once. Having a large garments stock is therefore necessary, but also costly and not always possible or desirable.

Garments management

To limit such a large garment stock, it is necessary to have some type of registration. Information is essential for efficient and responsible management. At all times, you have insight into the location of every item and the number of garments which the employee currently has in its possession. Insight in the daily use, current stock and unexpected shortages makes the entire process transparent and manageable. Based on this information, a better alignment between the supply and demand of garments can be realised. The effectiveness of the process results in increased efficiency in terms of costs, textile and deployment of labour.

LCT-Textilligence garments distribution systems

LCT-Textilligence garments distribution systems offer a smart and cost-efficient solution for garments management for any organisation, regardless of size. Over the years, LCT-Textilligence has offered reliable techniques for the management of garments and logistics for a wide range of organisations.

The automated distribution and collection of garments provides accurate data records, which can be filed and presented in various reports. This way, you have an insight in the historical use of garments, both for each individual user and for each individual item. Based on historical use over a certain period, the system provides an inventory proposal for the following period. This proposal includes recommendations for different sizes after these have been detected or variations in the workforce. In short, the garments stock is aligned to the users.

The systems work according to a credit system, where credit is exchanged for garments after distribution. The credit can be redeemed after the shift, when the garments have been returned to the system. This way, the user can collect clean garments with the available credit for the next shift.

This clean-for-dirty exchange principle has many advantages. Besides a better alignment of the supply and demand of garments, there is a more regular flow of laundry for the laundry service and a more transparent garment use.

Read more about this?

There where a “sufficient stock” principle often uses five or more sets of garments per person, an automated garments distribution system can drastically reduce the garments stock. For more information, please consult our website, or contact us (by email on info@LCT-Textilligence.com, or by telephone on 0344-633414).