Monitoring garment usage within your organisation
Many companies store their garments on a random rack, somewhere in the building. Employees can pick up garments themselves or an employee hands them over. As a result, companies often don't have a clear overview...
Learn all about the imminent revolution in sustainable clothing management introduced by the Ecodesign Directive for Sustainable Products!
All garment buyers should be aware of this groundbreaking regulation, which sets sustainability requirements for textile products. Even a ban on the destruction of clothing is considered. The final voting still has to take place,...
How do I avoid chaos in the cloakroom and changing room?
You know how it goes. Workers often arrive at work at the same time and have to change clothes quickly to start their day's work. This creates a peak moment and thus a potentially chaotic...
Is your workwear management process giving you a Blue Monday?
Piles of clothes in the wrong sizes and shortages in the right sizes - don't they just give you a headache? Sometimes it just doesn't seem to end! In all seriousness, though, workwear management can...
Sustainable Clothing Management Solutions without Greenwashing
In de wereld van vandaag is het belangrijker dan ooit om duurzame keuzes te maken. Maar met zoveel bedrijven die beweren groen te zijn, kan het moeilijk zijn om te weten wie je moet vertrouwen....
Optimise your garments with an automated system
Many companies still keep their garments on a shelf where employees can take their own garments, or where a permanent employee gives them the garments. This can result in a lack of understanding of the...
Does decentralised distribution of garments pay off?
Are you looking for ways to improve the distribution of garments within your organisation? Are you perhaps considering a different garment package with more garment profiles? If so, it is worth exploring whether a change...
No more disappearing garments: the solution of RFID chips
Do you know the feeling? You have just replenished your garment stock and in no time all your garments seem to have disappeared. This is a well-known phenomenon and has several causes. In this article,...
Garments available 24/7 for your employees
Controlled distribution of garments guarantees the continuous provision and a sufficient quantity of garments. The systems are accessible 24/7 and even indicate whether the garment stock is sufficient. 24/7 availability of garments Automated garments distribution...
Automatic garment distribution systems: the ultimate solution to comply with garment regulations
The importance of compliance with garment regulations within your organisation cannot be stressed enough. It improves general cleanliness, but employees will also be much happier when they can trust that clean garments are always readily...
How to reduce waiting times in garment distribution
Do you also face long queues when distributing garments to your employees? Sustainability is becoming increasingly relevant and private transport is being discouraged consequently. This leads to employees opting for public transport more and more...
Digital Product Passports for textiles: Data providing an essential companion on the journey through the circular chain
Digital Product Passports (DPP's) are an essential building block of the European Green Deal. They've been designed to accompany products on their journey through the circular chain, contributing to a more sustainable future. But DPP's...